Device Mapper
Jan Dvorak <mordae@anilinux.org>
Linux Device Mapper bindings using "libdevmapper.so.1.02".
(require dm) | package: dm |
Linux Device Mapper works with mappings and targets.
Every mapping have a named block device in "/dev/mapper" and a table of targets that together represent surface of the block device. For example a mapping "vg_mordae-lv_root" may represent a logical volume that maps 10 GiB of space in the middle of my laptop’s only disk drive using a linear mapping.
(dm-create name [#:uuid uuid] target ...) → void?
name : string? uuid : (or/c #f string?) = #f target : dm-target?
Create new mapping from list of targets.
You can supply an uuid or have it automatically generated.
(dm-reload name target ...) → void?
name : string? target : dm-target?
Atomically replace table of specified mapping.
(dm-rename name new-name [ #:new-uuid new-uuid]) → void? name : string? new-name : string? new-uuid : (or/c #f string?) = #f
Rename specified mapping, possibly with uuid (if needed).
Destroy specified mapping.
(dm-get-table name) → (listof dm-target?)
name : string?
Query current table (that is a list of targets) of specified mapping.
(struct dm-target (start length type params) #:extra-constructor-name make-dm-target #:transparent) start : integer? length : integer? type : symbol? params : (listof (or/c string? integer?))
Single row of a device map table.
For example when creating a mapping:
(dm-create "test" (dm-target 0 1024 'linear "253:1" 2048) (dm-target 1024 1024 'linear "253:2" 2048))
List names of mappings defined on this machine.
(dm-get-info name) → dm-info?
name : string?
Query information about a mapping.
(struct dm-info ( exists suspended live-table inactive-table open-count event-nr major minor read-only target-count) #:extra-constructor-name make-dm-info #:transparent) exists : boolean? suspended : boolean? live-table : boolean? inactive-table : boolean? open-count : integer? event-nr : integer? major : integer? minor : integer? read-only : boolean? target-count : integer?
Mapping information that can be obtained with dm-get-info.
Suspend specified mapping, that is:
flush pending requests and block new ones.
Cancel suspension of specified mapping.