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1 UUID - Version 1 GUIDs per RFC4122

The functionality for version 1 UUIDs uses the system MAC address. Current logic assumes a Linux system wherein the MAC address are found in "/sys/class/net/eth0/address", "/sys/class/net/wlan0/address", etc.

 (require "../uuid.rkt") package: gut
Currently SQS configuration is hardcoded in a "config.rkt" file and reviewed and modified to suit.


sqs-api-version : String

The version of the SQS API to use. This should be changed as Amazon releases new versions of the SQS API.


sqs-host : String

The SQS host to which all SQS commands are sent. This should be changed to match your desired AWS facility. Ideally this should be say a parameterizable configuration, but for now is a hard code.


sqs-auth-version : String

The version of authentication that SQS is using. For current SQS api, "2011-10-01" version "2" authentication is used. This value is sent as part of the request and should in general not be changed.


signature-method : String

The signing method used to create the authentication header. This value is also sent as part of the request. For the current SQS api, "2011-10-01" HMAC-SHA256 is used and should in general not be changed.


sqs-ns : String

The namespace used in the XML contained in payload of an SQS HTTP response.