Unstable Redex: May Change Without Warning
This library is unstable; compatibility will not be maintained. See Unstable: May Change Without Warning for more information.
(require unstable/gui/redex) | package: unstable-redex |
This library provides functions to help typesetting for redex models. The following example program provides an overview of the features:
> (define-language ZF [e empty (Set e) (Union e_1 e_2) (Powerset e) ZZ variable-not-otherwise-mentioned] [formula (same? e_1 e_2) (in? e_1 e_2) true false (implies formula_1 formula_2)])
By default, Redex models are typeset as S-expressions with some basic styling that distinguishes literals from nonterminal names, handles subscripting, etc.
> (language->pict ZF)
> (term->pict ZF (in? x (Set 1 2 3 ...)))
This library provides helper functions for creating and using rewriters that transform the S-expression model terms into other notations.
> (add-atomic-rewriters! 'empty "∅" 'formula "φ" 'ZZ (text "Z" '(bold . modern) (default-font-size)) 'variable-not-otherwise-mentioned (lambda () (text "x, y, z, ..." (literal-style) (default-font-size))) 'true (lambda () (text "true" '(caps . modern) (default-font-size))) 'false (lambda () (text "false" '(caps . modern) (default-font-size))))
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'same? (binary-rw " = ") 'in? (binary-rw " ∈ ") 'Set (bracket-rw 'curly) 'Powerset (function-rw "P") 'Union (binary-rw "∪") 'implies (binary-rw " ⇒ " #:parenthesize-left '(implies)))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (language->pict ZF)))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (render-term ZF (in? x (Set 1 2 3 ...)))))
(with-rewriters proc) → any
proc : (-> any)
(let ([atomic-rewriter/c (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))]) (plistof symbol? atomic-rewriter/c)) (current-atomic-rewriters rewriters) → void?
rewriters :
(let ([atomic-rewriter/c (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))]) (plistof symbol? atomic-rewriter/c))
→ (plistof symbol? compound-rewriter/c) (current-compound-rewriters rewriters) → void? rewriters : (plistof symbol? compound-rewriter/c)
→ (plistof (-> lw? any/c) (-> lw? lw?)) (current-unquote-rewriters rewriters) → void? rewriters : (plistof (-> lw? any/c) (-> lw? lw?))
(add-atomic-rewriters! rewriters) → void?
rewriters :
(let ([atomic-rewriter/c (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))]) (plistof symbol? atomic-rewriter/c))
(add-compound-rewriters! rewriters) → void?
rewriters : (plistof symbol? compound-rewriter/c)
(add-unquote-rewriters! rewriters) → void?
rewriters : (plistof (-> lw? any/c) (-> lw? lw?))
(letrec ([ctc (recursive-contract (or/c '() (cons/c key/c (cons/c value/c ctc))))]) ctc)
(binary-rw operator [ #:parenthesize-arg parenthesize-arg #:parenthesize-left parenthesize-left #:parenthesize-right parenthesize-right]) → compound-rewriter/c operator : (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))
parenthesize-arg : (or/c #t #f (listof symbol?) (-> lw? any/c)) = #f
parenthesize-left : (or/c #t #f (listof symbol?) (-> lw? any/c)) = parenthesize-arg
parenthesize-right : (or/c #t #f (listof symbol?) (-> lw? any/c)) = parenthesize-arg
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'plus (binary-rw " + "))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (plus 1 2))))
Redex terms may become ambiguous when typeset. To avoid ambiguity, use #:parenthesize-arg to direct when arguments should be parenthesized. If parenthesize-arg is #t, then arguments are always parenthesized; if it is #f, never; if it is a list of symbols, then an argument is parenthesized only if the argument is a term starting with a symbol in the list; if it is a procedure, then the argument is parenthesized if the procedure applied to the argument’s lw struct returns a true value.
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'times (binary-rw " × "))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (times (plus 1 2) 3))))
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'times (binary-rw " × " #:parenthesize-arg '(plus)))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (times (plus 1 2) 3))))
The parenthesization rules for left and right arguments can be supplied separately through #:parenthesize-left and #:parenthesize-right, for example to create left-associated or right-associated operators:
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'arrow (binary-rw " → " #:parenthesize-left '(arrow)))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (arrow (arrow A B) (arrow C D)))))
(prefix-rw prefix [ #:parenthesize-arg parenthesize-arg]) → compound-rewriter/c prefix : (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))
parenthesize-arg : (or/c #f #t (listof symbol?) (-> lw? any/c)) = #f
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'not (prefix-rw "¬ "))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (not (in? x empty)))))
(postfix-rw postfix [ #:parenthesize-arg parenthesize-arg]) → compound-rewriter/c postfix : (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))
parenthesize-arg : (or/c #f #t (listof symbol?) (-> lw? any/c)) = #f
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'nonempty (postfix-rw " is nonempty"))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (nonempty (Set x)))))
(function-rw function) → compound-rewriter/c
function : (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'f (function-rw "f") 'max (function-rw (text "max" '(bold . modern) (default-font-size))))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (max 1 2 (f 3)))))
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'First (only-first-rw))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF [First (in? x y) counter])))
(constant-rw constant) → compound-rewriter/c
constant : (or/c string? pict? (-> (or/c string? pict?)))
(bracket-rw brackets [#:comma? comma?]) → compound-rewriter/c
brackets :
(or/c 'round 'square 'curly 'angle (list (or/c string? pict?) (or/c string? pict?))) comma? : any/c = #t
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'Tuple (bracket-rw 'angle))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (Tuple 1 2 3))))
> (add-compound-rewriters! 'set-cons (set-cons-rw))
> (with-rewriters (lambda () (term->pict ZF (set-cons x S))))