The time is now Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 2:35:28pm /usr/bin/ssh -R 18333:localhost:18333 racket@ '/usr/bin/env' 'PLTUSERHOME=/home/racket/build-pkgs/user' '/bin/sh' '-c' 'cd "/home/racket/build-pkgs"/racket && bin/raco pkg install -u --auto racl' Resolving "racl" via http://localhost:18333/built/catalog/ Resolving "racl" via http://localhost:18333/archive/catalog/ Downloading http://localhost:18333/archive/pkgs/ raco setup: version: raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [3m] raco setup: installation name: raco setup: variants: 3m raco setup: main collects: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/user/.racket/ raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects raco setup: main pkgs: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/user/.racket/ raco setup: links files: raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/share/links.rktd raco setup: /home/racket/build-pkgs/user/.racket/ raco setup: main docs: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- raco setup: updating: /home/racket/build-pkgs/user/.racket/ raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- raco setup: pre-installing: /racl (racl) link-extension: can't find an installed linker context...: /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects/setup/setup-core.rkt:824:6: for-loop(crypto_verify 16 ref) (crypto_verify 32 ref) (crypto_core hsalsa20 ref) (crypto_core salsa20 ref) (crypto_core salsa2012 ref) (crypto_core salsa208 ref) (crypto_hashblocks sha256 ref) (crypto_hashblocks sha512 ref) (crypto_hash sha256 ref) (crypto_hash sha512 ref) (crypto_stream aes128ctr portable) (crypto_stream salsa20 ref) (crypto_stream salsa2012 ref) (crypto_stream salsa208 ref) (crypto_stream xsalsa20 ref) (crypto_onetimeauth poly1305 ref) (crypto_auth hmacsha256 ref) (crypto_auth hmacsha512256 ref) (crypto_secretbox xsalsa20poly1305 ref) (crypto_scalarmult curve25519 ref) (crypto_box curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 ref) (crypto_sign ed25519 ref) (crypto_sign edwards25519sha512batch ref) raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects/setup/setup-core.rkt:70:0: setup-core /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects/setup/setup.rkt:65:3 (submod /home/racket/build-pkgs/racket/collects/pkg/main.rkt main): [running body] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- raco setup: --- compiling collections --- raco setup: making: /racl (racl) raco setup: in /racl raco setup: making: /racl/examples raco setup: in /racl/examples raco setup: making: /racl/private raco setup: --- creating launchers --- raco setup: --- installing man pages --- raco setup: --- building documentation --- raco setup: --- installing collections --- raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- raco setup: --- summary of errors --- raco setup: error: during early install for /racl (racl) raco setup: link-extension: can't find an installed linker raco pkg install: packages installed, although setup reported errors The time is now Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 2:35:33pm