4 Example

#lang racket


(require simple-xlsx)


;; write a xlsx file, with multiple sheets, set the column attributes(width, color)

(let ([xlsx (new xlsx-data%)]

      [col_attr_hash (make-hash)])

    (hash-set! col_attr_hash "A" (col-attr 100 "FF0000"))

    (hash-set! col_attr_hash "B" (col-attr 200 "00FF00"))

    (hash-set! col_attr_hash "C" (col-attr 200 "EF9595"))

    (hash-set! col_attr_hash "D-F" (col-attr 100 "0000FF"))

    (hash-set! col_attr_hash "7-10" (col-attr 100 "EE89CD"))


    (send xlsx add-sheet '(("Jane Birkin" "Leonard Cohen" "Matthew McConaughey") (1 2 34 100 456.34)) "Sheet1" #:col_attr_hash col_attr_hash)

    (send xlsx add-sheet '((1 2 3 4)) "Sheet2")

    (send xlsx add-sheet '(("a" "b")) "Sheet3")

    (send xlsx add-sheet '(("a" "b")) "Sheet4" #:col_attr_hash col_attr_hash)

    (send xlsx add-sheet '(("")) "Sheet5" #:col_attr_hash col_attr_hash)

    (write-xlsx-file xlsx "test1.xlsx"))


;; write a xlsx file and read it back

(let ([xlsx (new xlsx-data%)])

  (send xlsx add-sheet '(("chenxiao" "cx") (1 2 34 100 456.34)) "Sheet1")

  (send xlsx add-sheet '((1 2 3 4)) "Sheet2")

  (send xlsx add-sheet '(("")) "Sheet3")

  (write-xlsx-file xlsx "test2.xlsx")


  ;; read specific cell



   (lambda (xlsx)

     (printf "~a\n" (get-sheet-names xlsx)) ;(Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3)


     (load-sheet "Sheet1" xlsx)


     (printf "~a\n" (get-sheet-dimension xlsx)) ; (2 . 5)

     (printf "~a\n" (get-cell-value "A1" xlsx)) ; "chenxiao"

     (printf "~a\n" (get-cell-value "B1" xlsx)) ; "cx"

     (printf "~a\n" (get-cell-value "E2" xlsx)))) ; 456.34


  ;; loop for row



    (lambda (xlsx)

      (load-sheet "Sheet1" xlsx)

      (with-row xlsx

                (lambda (row)

                  (printf "~a\n" (first row))))))) ;; chenxiao 1