On this page:
3.1 xlsx-data%
3.2 col-attribute
3.3 func

3 Write

write a xlsx file means instance a xlsx-data% class.
use add-sheet to fill a xlsx-data% instance and write it to file.

3.1 xlsx-data%

xlsx-data% class represent a whole xlsx file’s data.
it contains sheet data and col attibutes.
xlsx-data% have only one method: add-sheet.
sheet data just a list: (list (list cell ...) (list cell ...)...).

this is a simple xlsx-data% example without col attributes:

(let ([xlsx (new xlsx-data%)])

  (send xlsx add-sheet '(("chenxiao" "cx") (1 2 34 100 456.34)) "Sheet1")

3.2 col-attribute

col-attribute used to specify column’s attribute.
you can set column’s width, color by now.

col-attribute is a hash.
hash’s key is column’s dimension, value is a struct named:col-attr.

for example:

;; set column A width: 100, color: FF0000

(hash-set! col_attr_hash "A" (col-attr 100 "FF0000"))

(hash-set! col_attr_hash "B" (col-attr 200 "00FF00"))

(hash-set! col_attr_hash "C" (col-attr 200 "EF9595"))

(hash-set! col_attr_hash "D-F" (col-attr 100 "0000FF"))

(hash-set! col_attr_hash "7-10" (col-attr 100 "EE89CD"))

3.3 func


(write-xlsx-file xlsx-data path)  void?

  xlsx-data : (xlsx-data%)
  path : (path-string?)
write xlsx-data% to xlsx file.